Technology and Software

Ruby’s Influence over the Elixir Language

This pictures shows exactly what you’d expect a Ruby conference to be. Don’t you? Wait, it’s not what it looks. I can explain.

Ruby Day 2014 / Lunch Break

Ruby Day 2014 / Lunch Break

That was the lunch break and we had a wonderful sun and a wonderful lawn :-)

That was in Roncade, Italy at the premises of H-FARM.

I was there for the usual stuff: learn new things, meet people I knew and know new people. Plus, my first time at a Ruby conference, to give a talk. A talk about Ruby. No, a talk about a language designed to look like Ruby regardless of the huge differences beneath. This language is Elixir and this is my presentation on Slideshare (sorry for the fonts, some of them didn’t survive the conversion after the upload).

2014-10-23 – Update: we’ve got the video!

The original presentation files (odt, ppt, pdf) with the speaker notes and some tutorials are at

Visit also my GitHub repository for a demo Phoenix application (a RoR-like web framework for Elixir) at
