Technology and Software

Janrain Engage for iPhone: “Data not found” and one time tokens

Janrain Engage (formerly RPXnow) is a library for the web and for iPhone apps that lets people login into a site or app using one of their existing online accounts (facebook, google, twitter, oath, etc).

We are developing an iPhone app to access a web service from mobile (can’t link it yet, sorry) and we run into a problem: we always got a “Data not found” error from the Engage server no matter what we did. We checked the code of the app and of the server again and again, read the documentation, looked into the forums and got stuck over there for way too long.

Finally we run into this:

My problem is resolved just by changing
One-time use auth_info tokens to Disabled
in Setting page in the dashboard.
I’m not sure what it’s for, but at least the problem goes away.

That was illuminating. We changed “One-time use auth_info tokens” to “Disabled” in the Engage dashboard and the problem was solved for us too.

We contacted Engage and they acknowledged that our new setup is correct and told us that

Tokens that are not “one-time use” are still short lived (10 mins)

That means that there should not be big security problems. Engage said they “are in the process of updating the documentation”, so hopefully other developers will be spared from all these troubles soon.
